In short, tell us something about yourself and what is the reason why you have opted for the Back2Balance trail period?
I am above 50 years old and I have a rhythm of work which is extremely demanding.
For instance I work for more than 12 hours per day and never have the time for myself.
I decided to opt for the Back2Balance trail period for mainly two reasons:
– The professionalism of Robert to understand my personal situation and to adapt his agenda to my professional constraints.
For instance he was ready to provide to me the training I needed during the week-end on Saturday morning.
– The program designed specifically for me by Robert was indeed adapted to my personal need: being able to take away the daily stress linked to my work and to best reconnect my body with my brain.
How did you like the Back2Balance trail period with Robert Geijp as your Personal Trainer?
I liked very much the Back2Balance trail period with Robert Geijp as my personal trainer because it was very professionally set. The aim was to offer to me the possibility to get back to some sport activities. this time was dedicated to raise awareness to me to what I could achieve.
There was a constant attention to make me improve in every exercise practised together.
What are the positive effects so far during and after the trail period for your health?
The positive effects so far during and after the trail period for my health were almost immediate: I could sleep for the whole night. This did not happen to me since years. A better way to breath and relax was also achieved very quickly.
Why did you choose to continue Back2Balance training after the trail period?
I decided to choose to continue Back2Balance training after the trail period because I found an opportunity to do for myself something good. It is my personal time that I dedicate to my well being every week. I would like to invest in my well being to avoid to have back pain, health issues at an early age. By investing this time to my body condition today I invest for the future.
What would you like to share with anyone who might be thinking about starting the Back2Balance trail period?
I would say only one thing to those who might be thinking about starting the Back2Balance trail period: do it!
Think about you and invest in your well being and getting some better quality of life!
This is priceless and it requires only your attention.
For more info about the Back2Balance trail period click the link below or call 06-48387914 / Voor meer informatie over het Back2Balance kennismakingstraject klik op onderstaande link of bel 06-48387914: